Guide for authors

Guide for author

International Journal of Food Technology and Management publishes original papers, short communications, and review articles by esteemed scientists, covering all aspects of food technology and management research. Submissions must be original and not previously published or under consideration elsewhere. Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy of their contributions. The publication language is English (British).

Authors must submit a certificate affirming that the paper is exclusive to the International Journal of Food Technology and Management. Manuscripts must adhere to the journal style (refer to the latest issue). The correct use of language is the responsibility of the author. After submission, a review process will determine the acceptance of the manuscript for publication. The paper should be original and not have been published or communicated elsewhere. Authors will be solely responsible for any factual accuracy of their contribution submitted for consideration. The journal welcomes all the articles in Journal style (see the latest issue) in English (British). We encourage you to submit the single word file in Times New Roman (font size 12 point, double space) comprising tables and figures.

Article types

IJFTM welcomes original research papers, review articles, short communications, analytical methods, letters to the editor/commentary, and more under the aim and scope of the journal.

  • Original research papers
  • Word limit (Excluding reference)-7500
  • Number of tables and figure-8
  • Number of references-50
  • Abstract (word count)-250
  • Keywords (number)-3-6
  • Review articles
  • Word limit (Excluding reference)-10000
  • Number of tables and figure-8
  • Number of references- ≤100
  • Abstract (word count)-250
  • Keywords (number)-3-6
  • Short Communication
  • Word limit (Excluding reference)-300
  • Number of tables and figure-
  • Number of references-40
  • Abstract (word count)-200
  • Keywords (number)-3-6
  • Analytical methods
  • Word limit (Excluding reference)-7500
  • Number of tables and figure-8
  • Number of references-50
  • Abstract (word count)-250
  • Keywords (number)-3-6
  • Letters to the Editor/Commentary

Peer Review Policy 

This journal follows a double open review process. All submissions will initially be assessed by our editors for suitability for publication in this journal. A suitable publication will typically be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers to assess its scientific quality. Our editors will decide whether your article is accepted or rejected. Authors who wish to appeal the editorial decision for their manuscript may submit a formal appeal request to the Editor and Chief. Only one appeal per submission will be considered, and the appeal decision will be final. Editor-in-chief/Editors are not involved in making decisions in case of conflict of interest, and the section associate editor will be making the decisions.  

Submission declaration

When authors submit an article to an IJFTM, it is implied that:

  • The work described has neither been published previously nor under consideration in any form except in the form of a preprint, an abstract, a published lecture, an academic thesis, or a registered report. 
  • The article's publication is checked and approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out. The corresponding author must declare the contribution of all authors.
  • If accepted, the article will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English, or in any other language, including electronically, without the written consent of the copyright holder.
  • The author must declare that they have followed all the publication ethics and reported the conflict of interest (if any). Authors must declare that they have followed all the ethical guidelines for studies carried out in humans and animals.
  • Authors must disclose any funding sources that provided financial support for the research and/or preparation of the article.
  • Authors must declare the use of generative AI in scientific writing upon submission of the paper. 


Each original paper should be divided into the following sections: Title, authors and affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, declaration, and References. Manuscripts should be typed on one side of the paper only, double-spaced, with continuous line numbers and page numbers. The title must be in capital bold, subheadings must be in bold italic, and sub-subheadings in normal italics. An e-mail address for the corresponding author is required. Each figure, table, and bibliographic entry must be referenced in the text. Manuscripts, including tables, must be MS Word and Windows-compatible and should not include any files other than those for the current manuscript. Figures should not be imported into the text file. Prepare the text using standard software (Microsoft Word); do not use automated or manual hyphenation. Limit tables and figures to the necessary minimum. Submit reproducible artwork.  Figures should be submitted as high-resolution scans.

Use the SI system for physical units, unit names, and symbols. Follow the latest international nomenclature for biological names. Botanical and zoological names, gene designations, and gene symbols should be italicized. Report yield data in kg/ha. Use single inverted commas for the names of varieties or genotypes (e.g., ‘Priya’, ‘IPA 204’).


Include only publications cited in the text. List references alphabetically by the first author's name, including all authors, year of publication, and complete title. Provide reference in APA format. Refer to the journal's latest issue for additional guidelines when preparing manuscripts.